Wednesday 24 January 2007

Tragic is the word that springs to mind

Today I emerged from under the Friday Project Desk to be confronted with back to back meetings. 10.30, meeting with potential web designer, 12.00 meeting with my old boss from back in my Orion days, now MD ofCyan Communications, 1.00 meeting with journalist writing piece for Publishers Weekly, 3.00 meeting with the Talented Mr Ripley who handles our sales and distribution relationship with PanMac, 4.45 jump in a cab over to the Cut in Waterloo where there's some rather nice offices available, 6.00 on the train to get home in time forCaptain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs with phone calls to one author and one chairman en route.
Later, 'relaxing' at home with laptop and copy of the Bookseller I find myself entertained by Sally Hughes'category preview of the food and drink titles to watch for 2007. The Bookseller is a trade magazine so the category preview is aimed at the retailer rather than the reader and a good review may encourage retailers to stock the book. I wonder then what the uptake will be of The Desperate Housewives Cookbook? I hope Sally won't mind me quoting her review here as I enjoyed it very much.

'Tragic is the word that springs to mind, but it is never wise to overestimate the taste of the general public. "They have wildly different personalities, but the ladies of Wisteria Lane have one thing in common: food," states the pre-publicity. Difficult to believe I would have thought, given that they are all stick-thin, but then a quick look at the recipe list (Turkey, Muenster and Coleslaw wraps) may give a clue. You will need to stock at least one copy to mock in your quieter periods, if for nothing else.'

The Desperate Housewives Cookbook.
Category: cooking/cuisine.
Sub-category: mocking in quiet periods.

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